Unit types, once more

In my previous post, I said hunger will be a trait of units. How and when did it come from?

Do you remember that long list of features that first came to my mind when I read The Art of War? Well, it seems hunger is one of the features I can squeeze in the game that increase the complexity in a fun way. (At least it seems to be fun. Playtesting will tell.)

I have munched over this for days, but ultimately I came to the decision that every unit should eat exactly 1 unit of food per turn. There would be a unit type that's sole job is to transport food for other units. It has the visual range and speed of a normal unit, and when it arrives at the same tile as another unit, that other unit will have its food.

The question is, where should the transporter get the food, how much, should it cost, or should it be automatically generated, should it eat from its own food (it should, methinks), etc, etc. Lot of details to think about.

So now we are standing at 5 unit types: the three figher type, spy and transporter. I think five is about enough. The ancient chinese held the number five in high regards. They thought there are five elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth), five tastes (salty, bitter, sour, sweet, hot), etc. Since I'm making a game that is based on an ancient chinese writing, this is a good sign that I should stop inventing more unit types.

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