Have you read Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"? It is an old ruleset of chinese origin on warfare. Tackles things such as what to pay attention to, when to fight and when not to, the necessary traits of a commander, usage of spies, etc. Not a long read, as bamboo wasn't an efficient data storage medium at that time (and still isn't).

I suck at games. In CS:GO I stuck at silver elite, can't figure out the reason, probably my aim sucks in spite of all the countless aim maps and deathmatch games, while a few of my friends have no trouble aiming awesome without any practice whatsoever. I think it is unfair, so why bother. Realtime strategy games are all about APM instead of strategic thinking. Turn based strategy games grant an advantage for the first player, since most of them are "I-Go-You-Go" instead of simultenaous. Then almost all of the strategy games have factions and different units, which makes balancing and fine-tuning units necessary.

There are a few games, though, which I find great. Frozen Synapse, Conquest: Divide and Conquer, Multiwinia - each has something I like about them. Multiwinia has one basic unit type that can fight. So minimalistic I have a mindgasm. Too bad not many players find it a good thing. Conquest and Frozen Sypanse has simultenaous phases, neither player has an advantage.

However, only Frozen Synapse took off as I can see - but I don't like that you can place your units just half a millimeter further to the left, and instead of losing, you win. Corner case, I know, but still. My obsession with perfection is too strong. So the idea got me: make a strategy game that combines the good elements of said games and the knowledge of Sun Tzu.

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