Setting up Haskell with Atom on Windows

  1. Install MinGHC from https://github.com/fpco/minghc
  2. Install Atom from http://atom.io/
  3. Do your Haskell-configurations
    1. Open command line, then "cabal update"
    2. Modify the cabal config file in AppData\Roaming\cabal - enable profiling libraries and documentation
    3. Set up your sandboxes
  4. Install ghc-mod (cabal install ghc-mod)
  5. In atom, install the Language-haskell package
  6. In cmd, run this command: "apm install language-haskell haskell-ghc-mod ide-haskell autocomplete-haskell" (This will install the ide-haskell package.)
  7. ???
  8. Profit
The end result will be something like this:

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