
Map editor now supports towns. A couple of points:
  • Had to change Physics2D.Raycast to Physics2D.RaycastAll in the code responsible for changing tiles, due to towns being over terrain tiles - probably would have been more elegant to use layers, instead of just checking for the name (either "HexTile" or "TownTile"), but I'm following the 3-step development process (I'm currently at step 1):
    1. Make it work.
    2. Make it beautiful.
    3. Make it fast.
  •  This GUI is like my backpack: there is always more room for things. But it starts to look cluttered. I probably should do a redesign at some point in the future.
  • Original plan was to add the ability to place units, but then I would needed another GUI feature to change the amount of food each unit had. So I scrapped it. Along with the GUI redesign, I'll need to find a convenient way to add this feature.
  • You don't need undo and redo... *waves hand like a jedi* You really don't... Okay, you do, and I'm a lazy sloth. Someday... someday...

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