Lobby for more mental energy

Last few weeks passed by leaving me feel like a zombie. When I got home, I could only play and watch series. (On a more uplifting note, I bought Abathur in Heroes of the Storm, and I love his playstyle.)

What little energy I had I used to rewrite the lobby, because the lobby code was a mess. Now I have a Lobby class that is responsible for communication with the server, and the Multiplayer GUI just communicates with this lobby class. It works just like the old one, but now I can understand my own code.

Now I don't know what should I work on. Either the Level editor, which seems simple (just click on a tile, and then click on a place on the map, and then overwrite that place with the selected tile in memory). However, I could just create a map by hand, or using Hexographer and just convert it. It would be good enough for testing.

Well, I guess I'll have another day to decide that, after I'm done feeling guilty of the lacking updates. Also, I'd like to thank Introversion software the inspiration to get my working energy back. (Prison Architect Alpha 34 came out today, and in the video, they talked about how the obligation of getting a new build out at the end of the month makes them able to work even when they really don't feel like it. I envy them.)

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