Well. This is my shot at looking like a normal indie developer - keeping track of things on blog, on twitter, on github, on yout...wait, not youtube. At least not yet.

I had a lot of things to write about until recently - design decisions, progressions and hiccups in the development process, things like that. Well, maybe it isn't considered much by indie standards, but I usually have very few things to talk about to random strangers of the internet. But for a few weeks I haven't written anything. It is because, for a few weeks, I haven't progressed anything. I wrote maybe 20-50 lines of code. What happened?

Work. More work. Heatwave. Heatwave while working. More work. Not enough sleep. Heatwave. Work.

The thing is, I'm a very low-energy person, and it can be depleted pretty fast. This month, there was always a colleague who was on vacation. (not me, mind you.) This left me with a workload bigger than I usually had to bear with. When I got home, I was dead tired. All I could do is to fire up some MOBA and anger myself because of the noob teammates.

And then there were two heatwaves. My room was a sauna. If the air is 30 °C then I can't think. (We don't have air conditioner.) So in addition of being tired, I could barely get enough cool. I couldn't do anything productive. But now the heat is gone, and all of my colleagues are finally back.

Next week, I won't be home, so probably I won't code. After that... well, that depends. Since I am in a different department in my work starting from September (it doesn't ahve anything to do with this month, just a coincidence), I'll have to learn a lot of new things. (I'm learning SAP, ABAP, and things like that.). If it doesn't sap (hehe, get it?) too much energy from me, then I will be able to progress. Otherwise, not so much.

I also angered myself so much on Heroes of the Storm, that I deleted all games from my PC. I considered myself pretty good, I had a nearly 50% win rate. And then it broke. For example, the last 60 matches I played, I lost 40 of them. (I lost all of my 10 most recent matches.) I don't know if I suddenly became lame, or just RNG thought I should play with noobs, but I had enough. Team games suck, because doesn't matter how good you are, you won't be able to carry a whole team.

Fuck them.