Putting Kart of War on hold

You didn't think I will finish it in one blow, did you?

Nah, me neither. But I hoped.

Anyway, I'm now working on a different kind of game. See details here.

Eventually I plan to come back to this game.


A little break, again

...because it is almost expected.

So, what I did recently?

Cause I actually worked hard in this past 17 days or so. (That is, when I wasn't busy being depressed, or tired, or something like that.) Recently I found a link to a Discord server on some MBTI forum on reddit. (For those outside of the loop: reddit - social news site. MBTI - personality theory. Discord - a webapp / desktop app, kind of what the child of Steam and IRC would look like, with voice chat.) The folks over there are... wow, it is like I have found mah people. Seriously, a lot of them think just like me. I became addicted actually, because I enjoyed the convos so much. Now I don't find them so enjoyable anymore, but I still go there daily. (IDK if my expectations have altered, or the quality of convos went down, or both. Or neither.) Then I found out that there is a possibility to write bots. It works over an HTTP (for requests) / Websockets (for events) platform. So what does a programmer do in this case? Of course, he is trying to write a bot.

The others used Python, mainly (with discord.py), but me, being a Haskell guy, obviously wanted to do something in Haskell. Unfortunately, there is no Haskell API for Discord yet. So I had to roll up my own. It took me some time, but now, today, I got it working. A little description of the problems I faced (from the top of my head):

- Finding the correct libraries to work with. My libs of choice are: aeson (for working with JSON), lens, lens-aeson, websockets, wreq (for HTTP stuff), wuss (for secure Websockets) and privileged-concurrency (so that I can tell the difference between channels meant to be read-only and channels meant to be write-only).

- Finding out the API.
The HTML version: http://unofficial.discordapi.com/en/latest/
The actual doc, on github: https://github.com/DiscordAPI/docs

- ws:// vs. wss:// - Trying to connect to a secure ws server without the secure part just won't work, so I used Wuss, and its runSecureClient function to get websockets working.

- Wrong headers in POST requests - you gotta add the "Content-Type: application/json" to the headers. It has cost me days.

- And probably others, which I can't remember.

Now, I can write a bot that replies with "Hi" if someone says "Hey". I know, what a useful bot...

There is still a lot of work to do, but I will try to continue Kart of War as well - now, that the hardest part is behind me.

EDIT:  Here is the link to the repo: https://github.com/gizmo-mk0/HsDiscord


UI progress

After a few months of doing nothing, I got motivation to resume working on the game. Thank you, /u/HappyGirlLucky!

My task is to migrate to Unity's new UI system, which lets me create a user interface that is not so hard on the eyes, and not a pain in the ass to use on mobile. First step was to flesh out some concepts in Inkscape - for details, see my earlier posts. Then, I exported all icons and the standard button shape to png files. In Unity, I made a Canvas object (Screen-space overlay), and I made a Game Object for each menu, and they all contain a Panel, and all the UI elements are on that panel. Not sure if this is the best practice, but the tutorial I was working from used this layout.

This is how the hierarchy looks:

And these are the corresponding menu screens:


For now, I hooked up some of the buttons - the Play button and the Map Editor button from the main menu, and the home button on the other two. Here is a gif in 1920x1080 landscape:

 For the portrait version, just watch the middle of the gif :D


UI design

Joel Spolsky wrote about good UI design here: http://www.ikoffice.de/downloads/Books/User_Interface_Design_For_Programmers.pdf (Yes, I know, I'm giving away someone's work for free. I hope that as the CEO of StackOverflow he doesn't mind this.)

I know I've read it at least twice since my boss suggested it at one of my jobs, and I really enjoyed reading it. Most of the points seemed straightforward and logical, served in an easy-to-understand and fun way. However, I can't remember a single point of the book. In spite of this, I'm sure the things I've learnt from it are influencing my UI design methodology to this day.

So here I am, developing a game that should've been finished months ago I want to get on the most types of devices possible, each of which has different input methods, different screen sizes, and different metaphors established. How do I deal with it?

Using an app on a PC is easier than using the same piece of app on a mobile device. You have bigger space on the screen, finer and more diverse input methods, and usually more horsepower. Probably these are the main reasons why apps made for a desktop computer are typically more complex, whereas apps on mobile devices usually focus on one thing.

How does it affect us as an app dev? If you are lazy like me, you don't want to think of different input methods on each platform - you would rather have one, and apply it to all platforms. In this case, it makes sense to customize the UI for the most restrictive platform, and then add convenience features on the others, where there aren't that much restrictions.

So I went ahead and started to design the UI for the smartphone. Key principles were:
  • Easy to use buttons (So they should be as big as possible)
  • As little text as possible (So far the only text is the title of the game)
  • Make the UI minimalistic, make it stand out and make it easy to understand
  • Structure everything in a way that the most used features are the most easy to reach
Currently I'm working on the main menu, which looks like this:

I have asked a few of my friends if they can figure out what each button means, provided this is a strategy game. Results were satisfying. (FWIW: New game, Settings, Map editor, Exit)

If you go to the map editor, you'll see this:

Top right side there is a button, which will contain a minimap. If you tap it, the minimap will expand. Tapping the minimap will minimize it. On the bottom, there is a Menu button, a Settings button and a paint mode. The paint mode button will change on each tap between paint, delete and move mode. (Move mode means you can drag the map around.)

Menu screen:

Self-explanatory. Settings screen:

This is only part of the settings screen. Here, terrain painting mode is selected, and the thinnest brush (one tile wide). You will be able to select town mode (where you can tell for which players will you place towns) and unit mode (same, but you can also change the type of unit being placed).

Please note that this isn't implemented yet, I just put together it in Inkscape. Also, if you are not worried about copyright things, you can google <icon name> icon (e.g. save icon), open one that you like, copy the image, paste it in Inkscape, then click on Path -> Trace bitmap, and you can have an SVG version of it. Then you can press Ctrl-L (or choose Path->Simplify) to have less points.

And now, if you excuse me, I'm going back to read this Joel Spolsky book.


Handling input

The problem: how to structure the input handling in a game that could run on PC and mobile devices? Each platform has different control schemes. In cases like this, I like to look for the common denominator. In this case, if we use only the left mouse button, the mouse wheel and the mouse itself, we get the same control actions as on the smartphone: tap (click), swipe (drag), pinch (scroll the mousewheel). Since I have experiences only with these two kind of devices, I won't talk about others, but I assume it isn't hard to fit these three actions over them.

Using these input methods, we can define events, like Tap, Drag and Zoom (because fuck naming consistency). However, we can zoom while we are dragging, so we will track the zoom level separately from the other events. We will also need a None event type, for the times nothing happens.

Let's see what kind of event transitions are available: take None, for example: when the user clicks (or touches the screen), it could mean either a start of a Tap, or the start of a drag. How to decide which one? I arbitrarily decided that if the touch (click) lasts no longer than 5 frames, and at the end of it the input device's position is not further than 10 pixels from the original place, I will consider it a tap, otherwise it's a drag. Until it isn't decided, I will call that state Hold.

So None can transform to Hold, Hold can transform to Drag or Tap, and Drag / Tap can transform to None. Maybe introducing Hold isn't a good idea, but I can't see any problems with it yet. Time will tell.

Now, when I worked on other parts of the code, I just threw in some GetMouseButtonDown(0) to check if the mouse was pressed. But now, that I want to use the input, this kind of decentralized input checking is starting to get messy, harder to understand and error-prone. This is why I have created an InputObject, and attached an InputController script to it.

This script has three public variables (scrolling being the fourth, but I will implement that later): current input mode, event position and last position. The current mode can either be None, Hold, Tap or Drag. The event position will always tell where was the cursor when the action happened. In the case of Tap, it is where the action ended, and in the case of drag, where was the cursor dragged to in each frame, and also the last position will tell where the cursor was dragged from. (In all other cases, the last position tells nothing. I know it could be done more elegantly, but this is straightforward enough for now. If I'll make a library out of it, which I seriously doubt, I will do it elegantly.)

Then, in the Update() function, I just use a switch on currentMode to decide what to do next. The cases are bold here.

void Update () {
  leftButtonDown = Input.GetMouseButton(0);
  Vector2 currentPosition = Input.mousePosition;

  switch (currentInputMode) {
  case InputMode.None:
    if (leftButtonDown) {
      currentInputMode = InputMode.Hold;
      lastPosition = currentPosition;
  case InputMode.Hold:
    if (GetFastDistance(currentPosition, lastPosition) < 10 &&
        framesSinceLastClick < 5) {

       if (!leftButtonDown) {
         currentInputMode = InputMode.Tap;
         eventPosition = currentPosition;

    else {
      currentInputMode = InputMode.Drag;
      eventPosition = currentPosition;
  case InputMode.Tap:
    currentInputMode = InputMode.None;
  case InputMode.Drag:
    if (leftButtonDown) {
      lastPosition = eventPosition;
      eventPosition = currentPosition;
    else {
      framesSinceLastClick = 0;
      currentInputMode = InputMode.None;

Also, since I don't need a precise distance, just something like a pseudo-distance, here is a faster version, that defines a square-shaped area rotated by 45°:

int GetFastDistance(Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2) {
   return Mathf.RoundToInt(
    Mathf.Abs(p1.x - p2.x) + Mathf.Abs(p1.y - p2.y));

And this works surprisingly well. Now, the camera controller's update has a code snippet responsible for calculating the amount of displacement for the camera:

 if (inputMode == InputController.InputMode.Drag) {
  Vector3 difference =
    inputController.GetCurrentPosition() -
  Vector3 pos = myCamera.ScreenToViewportPoint(difference);
  currentMouseDragSpeed =
    new Vector2(-pos.x * mouseDragSpeed, -pos.y * mouseDragSpeed);
else {
  currentMouseDragSpeed = currentMouseDragSpeed * 0.8f;

(Don't worry, my code is commented, I just don't paste the comments here.)



Today, I solved a speed problem, related to coloring the tiles based on visibility.

My first, crude solution was this:
  • We have an incoming list of visible tiles, named visibleTiles.
  • We have a list of all tiles, named allTiles.
  • All tiles in allTiles is set to dark
  • For each visibleTile in visibleTiles:
    • for each tile in allTiles
      • if tile.coordinate == visibleTile.coordinate 
        • tile is set to bright
So if we have 'n' tiles and 'm' is visible of them, this will use 'n' times 'm' comparisons. Clearly not an effective method. It took half a minute to update a map containing 60 tiles, with about half of them visible.

So I thought maybe I should just hash the coordinates, and use them as an index key. Then, when I want to look for a tile with a specific coordinate, I'll hash that coordinate, and look for that hash in the list. (This requires of course, that each time I hash the same number, it will give the same result.)

Well, in C# there are two data containers for that: Hashtable and Dictionary. What is the difference?

You will declare a Hashtable this way:

Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

That's all. No types, no anything. Dictionary is different:

Dictionary<Key, Value> dict = new Dictionary<Key, Value>();

So you can have type safety with Dictionary. But that's not all. Let's look at this example:

HexCoord hc1 = .new HexCoord(1, 1);
HexCoord hc2 = .new HexCoord(1, 1);

gameObject tile1 = new Tile(...);

// hc1 and hc2 are the same coordinate, but not the same
// object
Dictionary<HexCoord, GameObject> dict = new  Dictionary<HexCoord, GameObject();
dict.Add(hc1,  tile1);

// Now, if you just check if it is indeed in the list:
dict.ContainsKey(hc1); // True
// ...you will get true. But:
dict.Containskey(hc2); // False
// ...this is strange. What is the problem?

The problem is that internally, Dictionary uses ReferenceEqual for equality check. ReferenceEqual(o1, o2) only returns true, when o1 and o2 are pointing to the same location in memory. So in this case an IEqualityComparer class is needed. I won't go into details, google is your friend, and also I wanna go to sleep soon, have no energy to dive into this topic.

Point is, when you create a dictionary, you can feed it an IEqualityComparer, like this:

Dictionary<Key, Value> dict =
  new Dictionary<Key, Value>(new KeyComparer());

Also, if you would have used Hashtable instead of Dictionary, you would receive an error if you wrote:

Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(new KeyComparer());

...saying that the compiler couldn't typecast IEqualityComparer to int. I don't know why this happens, but it cost me at least half an hour thinking and googleing to realize that Dictionary doesn't have this porblem.

Now it works much faster then originally, in under a second for 60 tiles.



I want this game to be impossible to cheat in without access to the server. (By cheating I mean maphacks and things like that. DDoS & co. are entirely other stories.) So I only send informations to the client that they have access to.

This means the server has to calculate, what can each client see, then - using this list - filter all the units and towns, and send them to each clients. Now, since I have to calculate all the tiles that are visible to a client, why would I choose not to send this info to the clients as well? This way, the client code doesn't need to calculate visible tiles.

So this is what I did. After the client receives the list of visible tiles, it sets their color to white (meaning they will be drawn in their original color), and the rest to grey (meaning they will be darker). The only problem so far is that I can't index the tiles by their coordinates (yet), so it takes half a minute to set each tile to the correct color. But at least now it works.

I've made a quick test to check if the visibility rules are calculated correctly on the server. Here is the result:

For the test, I used the Forest, Grass and Mountain tiles. The empty tile is opaque and invisible, so I didn't need to block out visibility with HighMountain tiles. Okay, let's go through all seven tests:

  1. You can't look into a group of forest tiles from another group of forest tiles.
  2. However, from a mountain tile, you can see other mountain tiles.
  3. You can't see forest or mountain tiles from outside.
  4. But you can look outside from mountains...
  5. ...and from forests.
  6. Mountains will block your vision through forests.
  7. Forests will block your vision from mountains.
One might argue that why can't one see the other mountains in test 7. - forests shouldn't block the sight from mountains, even if you can't look into them. While this argument is correct, the solution is not trivial - it would require another visibility type, or some height information, or something else.

Or maybe I just shouldn't allow mountains to be visible from other mountains. But playtests will tell. If it is counter-intuitive, I will change it.